Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prisms Optic Headache How Can One Explain Prism Dispersion By Using Nonlinear Optics?

How can one explain prism dispersion by using nonlinear optics? - prisms optic headache

We all know that prism scattered white light. For the mathematical relationship between wavelength and angle of deviation with the same nonlinear optics.
But I've heard that somehow affects the prism of light across the road and there is the question of nonlinear optics.
How can we explain this effect with nonlinear optics?


Dr. C said...

In nonlinear optics, the medium is essentially a fixed amount. In other words, the electric field of light very weak, and has basically no influence on the reaction of the medium of light.

In nonlinear optics, is the electric field of the light beam is strong enough that it affects what's really on the environment reacts to light. Therefore not linear, because the light affect the environment that the light effect. These effects occur only in natural materials with a very bright light or in special materials that are polarized in general.

As a theoretical example, I do not use non-linear sound waves in water:

For a normal wave of sound intensity, water molecules are easily compressed and slightly expanded locally, is the shaft. The dispersion depends only on the density of water, and compressibility.

For an ultra-intense sound wave, when the head goes, the molecules are packed so tightly that () heat-absorbing wave energy. If the depression comes, superheated water VAP "Orizaba and forms pockets of air. This alters the density of water, and significantly altered wave speed. It is no longer enough to know that the density and compressibility to know how fast the wave, as they now need to know the thermal properties of water as well.

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