Saturday, January 23, 2010

Orange Juice Cholesterol So...What Drinks ARE Good For You?

So...What drinks ARE good for you? - orange juice cholesterol

Alcohol makes the milk fat is not as pure as before, the orange juice and other fruit juices contain acid, which lowers the enamel of the teeth, coffee can increase cholesterol, water can not even fully aware of arsenic, full of popular juice sugar.

I sincerely call almost all U.S. companies, I have seen that lowers the product to promote them.

I was wondering ... What drinks are good for you, then? What ..? "



Austyn Lives in Dallas♥ said...

Alcohol is good for you, depending on what type it is. The wine is very good for the heart.

Milk is still very healthy. Some milks are organic, but which are still good for you.

The acidic juices such as orange juice is not so bad for you as everyone makes them. And the simple solution to protect your teeth is to drink through a straw. Orange juice (and many other juices) are full of vitamin C for the immune system.

Coffee can reduce your risk of diabetes and cancer. Coffee really does not increase cholesterol, is that the cream and sugar we add to what they do.

Water is of course always the best option, depending on where you live, and how it is clean.

Bazookaj... said...

one drink per day is good for you, if no other health problem in conflict.
Milk can be used as an organic product that is purchased is no demand
to floss regularly and / or drink and brush your teeth using a straw to the common problem of acid juices and eliminate dark spot issue of juice, tea and coffee
a cup of coffee a day is good for you
--- Water, water - water (if you avoid water in plastic bottles wouild be better )....
filter the water, if inclined, double filter, I remove the filtered water from the cold store and a pitcher run Pur
Larry King is right, a cup of grape juice per day, good for you

Marcella S said...

Water is good. Alcohol in moderation is good (one drink per day for a woman), two drinks per day for a man. Milk is as pure as it always was, the low-fat milk or fat are the best. Fruit juices, especially orange, grape, blueberry, and pomegranate are good in moderation. Coffee in moderation is good. Tea is good.

Do not believe everything you hear on commercials.

laurel g said...

Drink water flavored Propel and keeps me healthy. I have COPD, dehydrated and very easy. I tried the juice, drinks other than I had the choice, but Propel really keeps me hydrated and healthy than any other beverage.

Koda said...

Water, no orange juice or apple juice, if it is focused not say. Gatorade is good if you're really active, but not if you are comfortable sofa. Milk is good for you ...

khadijah said...

Well water is the nature of soda! Gatorade and helps people when they have the stomach flu hydrated and that you exercise. I think that tea is very good, as long as sugar, because there is not much.

NewBerli... said...

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ...

WATER ......... ........ ..... WATER

Most people do not drink enough water

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